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Speaking & Media Engagements

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Gender and Social Inequality

Profs and Pints DC Public Lecture (February 10, 2025), The Orgasm Gap
Profs and Pints Baltimore Public Lecture (April 23, 2024), The Orgasm Gap

3 Sided Cube Igniting Change Podcast (March 4, 2024), discussing the gender gap in technology and how we can use data and storytelling to advocate for gender equality. Available to listen and watch on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, and Amazon.

Profs and Pints DC Public Lecture (February 6, 2024), The Orgasm Gap

Profs and Pints DC Public Lecture (September 12, 2023), The Orgasm Gap

The Hill
, March 18, 2023, Women Can't Lean In to Fix Structural Pay Gaps

The Collective Community Presentation (March 2023), The Gender Inequality of Hustle Culture: When Passion and Pay Don't Add Up

WYXR Radio: Let's Grab Coffee (January 2021), discussing changing gender attitudes

PEO Community Presentation (January 2021), The College-to-Career Transition in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Opportunities 

The New York Times, February 11, 2020, Young Men Embrace Gender Equality, but They Still Don’t Vacuum 
“If young people can’t even envision a model of what men’s time at home might look like, that’s evidence that our beliefs about gender are really strong and sticky,” said Joanna Pepin, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin and an author of the recently published study, with Brittany Dernberger, a sociology doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland. “That’s yet another thing that’s getting in the way of social change.”
Ms. Magazine, January 28, 2020, Young People Have Their Own Battles to Fight Against Sexism
The Atlantic, January 14, 2020, When a Promotion Leads to Divorce
“But that’s not really the case,” says Brittany Dernberger, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, who co-authored a recent paper on 12th graders’ attitudes toward relationships and work since the 1970s. Today, young men and women say that the most desirable relationship is a traditional marriage, where the husband works full-time and the wife’s career comes second or not at all.
Other Media Mentions:

Systems Change & Impact Measurement

American Evaluation Association Systems in Evaluation Topical Interest Group webinar (June 13, 2024), CARE's Systems-Level Impact Framework

gLocal Evaluation Week (June 5, 2024), Evaluation and the Transformation Imperative: Perspectives from Young and Emerging Evaluators 

Masterclass Series in Systems Thinking (May 2, 2024), Measuring Early Childhood Development Systems Change: Systems-Level Impact Framework

EvaluLand Podcast (April 23, 2024) discussing my evaluation background and practice

American Evaluation Association 365, April 20, 2024, Learn-by-Doing to Refine Systems-Level Change

Failing Forward Podcast (December 6, 2023), talking about the challenges of measuring complex local-to-global systems change for COVID-19 vaccine delivery in 34 countries.

Indiana University Bloomington Hamilton Lugar School of Global & International Studies (October 10, 2023), Shifting Power from International NGOs to Women-Led Organizations in the Global South

​Get in Touch

I regularly speak with journalists, appear on podcasts, and give talks to community groups and at academic conferences. Please reach out to discuss opportunities!

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